by bmccloskey | Nov 19, 2021 | Blog
Halloween is the spookiest holiday we celebrate in the United States, but not for SpiritHorse! It was all treats during our Community Halloween Party. We welcomed our community to this free event. Our horses gave over 50 riders a ride around the trail of treats. Our...
by bmccloskey | Sep 10, 2021 | Blog
We welcomed 10 students to SpiritHorse on Labor Day for a fun morning of learning. The kids enjoyed meeting all of our animals including Trevor the goat, Gypsy the sheep, Miss Donkey the donkey, and our miniature horse Spirit. They learned the different grooming tools...
by bmccloskey | Jan 8, 2019 | Blog
by bmccloskey | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog
As we close out 2018 and begin our Journey into 2019 I want to talk about Gratitude. I am so Thankful at how far I have been able to bring SpiritHorse since incorporating in 2012. I am incredibly Humble as to all the support that has been giving to us in 2018 and...
by bmccloskey | Apr 29, 2017 | Blog
Several of our volunteers and students attended The City of American Canyon’s 18th Annual Community Recognition Ball, where SpiritHorse was recognized for our contributions to our community by providing equine-assisted activities lessons, riding camps, and...
by bmccloskey | Aug 15, 2016 | Blog
Thank you to those who donated their time, money, and other resources so that we could put on this event. Your support helps us to be able to offer these services to those in need in our community. Check out this wonderful article by Noel Brinkerhoff of the American...